Naomi EfratWhat does being a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah actually mean? Bar mitzvah is a term that comes to explain, literally, that this young man or woman now has to fulfill their good deeds, Mitzvot, as...
Naomi EfratReform Judaism in Israel Today, Reform Judaism in Israel is growing rapidly. There is a nationwide network of growing Reform and Progressive congregations, with...
דני נבוןRebbekah and Guy's Reform Wedding Rebbekah was raised in the United States, in a Jewish Reform household, and was raised in Reform and Liberal Jewish schools, with values...
דני נבוןMichael and Roee's Reform Wedding CeremonyRoee and Michael chose to have a Reform Wedding Ceremony. They share a unique love story: Michael is originally from Belgium, made Aliya...
Naomi EfratYonatan and Rebecca’s Reform Wedding Yonatan and Rebecca wanted to have an alternative wedding in Israel, with a traditional Reform Huppa. They decided to have the seven...